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SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) Standard Overview

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The Open Group Sensor Open Systems Architecture SOSA Consortium

What is SOSA?

The SOSA™ Consortium, hosted by the Open Group, is chartered with creating a common framework for transitioning sensor systems to an open systems architecture, based on key interfaces and open standards established by industry-government consensus. The benefits of this architecture include improved interoperability, as well as reduced development time, deployment and costs.

The SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) approach establishes guidelines for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. The objective is to allow flexibility in the selection and acquisition of sensors and subsystems that provide sensor data collection, processing, exploitation, communication and related functions over the full life cycle of the C4ISR system.

How is Pentek involved?

Pentek is a signal processing and signal acquisition company serving the aerospace market for over 33 years. As one of the original COTS vendors, Pentek has been involved in developing open architecture standards for almost 20 years.

The trend toward open architecture for DOD procurement preferences has been evolving for a long time but it is culminating in SOSA, CMOSS and HOST. The ability to upgrade existing systems efficiently while maintaining and improving mission readiness is essential to our country's security. This requires hardware and software specifications that are standardized for portability while allowing operational space for design innovation.

Many industry suppliers have developed partnerships so that technical compatibility is enhanced. These consortia result in a unified ability to deliver technical solutions to the war fighter that are familiar and can meet mission requirements quickly and cost efficiently.

Pentek is committed to the support and development of modular open standard architectures (MOSA) as seen with key contributions to VITA, PICMG and now the SOSA standard. Pentek is an active member in the SOSA Consortium technical and business working groups, specifically as representative Co-Leads on the Hardware Architecture and Outreach sub-committees.

Tri-Service Memo January 7, 2019
Tri-Service Memo
January 7, 2019

This memo calls for a move towards and the practice of MOSA (Modular Open Standards Approach), with future sensor designs using truly open architectures. Together, defense, integrators and industry are working side by side in the development of the SOSA open standard.

The Road Forward: Mercury Systems, Pentek, and SOSA

The Road Forward: Mercury Systems, Pentek, and SOSA (Microwaves & RF) September 1, 2021

SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture) Update

By Rodger Hosking, Vice President and Co-founder, Pentek, Inc. - Current status of SOSA Initiative, participating organizations, impact on MIL-AERO markets, Pentek's products and activities.

SOSA Industry Perspective AOC

Paul Mesibov, CTO and Co-Founder Pentek, speaking at Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Industry Perspective Roundtable Panel Discussion at Annual Association of Old Crows (AOC) Symposium October 29, 2019.

Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration

  • January 29, 2020
  • GTRI Conference Center Atlanta, GA

The Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration (TSOA-ID) TSOA-ID was sponsored by Representative Commands from Branches of the United States Armed Services and hosted by Georgia Tech Research Institute at the GTRI Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia.

Pentek participated in the demonstration area showing live working systems aligned to the SOSA Technical Standard. This event showcased never-before-seen developments in the growing open market ecosystem. Live demonstrations on: Systems Acquisition and Integration, Module Specification and Development, Conformance (qualification), and culminating with Open Systems Realization.

Keynote presentations were given by:

  • Randall G. Walden, Member of the Senior Executive Service Director and Program Executive Officer for the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office
  • COL Nickolas Kioutas, Project Manager For Positioning, Navigation, and Timing under PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors (PEO IEW&S)
  • CAPT Christopher R. McDowell, Program Manager Air Combat Electronics (PMA-209)
Tri-Service Open Architecture Interoperability Demonstration
Captain McDowell and Paul Mesibov of Pentek discussed SOSA-aligned products demonstrated at the event

SOSA Consortium Members Pentek, Herrick Technology Laboratories and Kontron Teamed Up to Deliver C4ISR Demonstrator System

Pentek. Inc, Herrick Technology Laboratories, Inc. and Kontron, have developed products aligned with the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) Technical Standard that are used in a new 3U VPX demonstrator system designed to illustrate the capabilities of open systems architectures. This 3U VPX system is ideal for electronic warfare (EW), SIGINT, radar and communications applications. The flight-qualified chassis utilizes open architecture modules, from multiple suppliers, for a complete functional demonstration system.

SOSA Consortium Members Pentek, Herrick Technology Laboratories and Kontron Teamed Up to Deliver C4ISR Demonstrator System

"Herrick's SOSA demonstrator project is an important, fast-paced effort to demonstrate the value of Open Systems Architectures for defense sensor platforms. By providing key components for this design, Kontron and Pentek are helping to deliver on the OSA promise of faster and simplified technology updates for defense sensor platforms."

- Acie Vickers, CEO and President of Herrick Technology Laboratories, Inc.

Quartz® RFSoC Board Aligned with the Technical Standard for the SOSA Reference Architecture

The Model 5550, an eight-channel A/D and D/A converter, 3U OpenVPX board based on the Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC and aligned to the SOSA Technical Standard. The Model 5550 is ideal for many communications, electro-optical, electronic warfare, radar and signals intelligence applications.

Quartz RFSoC Board Aligned with the Technical Standard for the SOSA Reference Architecture

"The Model 5550 is leading the industry in the rollout of products developed in alignment with the Technical Standard for the SOSA Reference Architecture. Pentek continues to be very active in the development of the SOSA technical standard and we are now demonstrating our commitment with supporting products and demonstrations."

- Bob Sgandurra, Pentek's Director of Product Management

Jade Architecture SOSA Aligned LVDS XMC Module with Optical I/O

The Model 71813 is based on the Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale FPGA and features 28 pairs of LVDS digital I/O to meet the requirements of emerging standards from The Open Group Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA™) Consortium of which Pentek is a member. The Model 71813 is also the industry's first such XMC to implement an optional front panel optical interface supporting four 12Gbps lanes to the FPGA.

Pentek's Jade Architecture SOSA Aligned LVDS XMC Module with Optical I/O

"The Jade Model 71813 directly addresses I/O needs called out in the emerging SOSA standards. Pentek is working with other SOSA members and is committed to lending our experience in meeting open system architecture challenges."

- Paul Mesibov, Pentek's Chief Technical Officer and SOSA Standard Contributor

Products Aligned with the SOSA Technical Standard

Products Aligned with the SOSA Architecture

Pentek's products are aligned to the SOSA Technical Standard. Pentek's modular approach to hardware and software development enables quick adaptation to new and changing customer requirements. Pentek is committed to the support and development of modular open standard architectures (MOSA)

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Model Description
Model 8257A SOSA Aligned 1-Slot 3U VPX Development Chassis for Quartz Products
Model 8256 3U VPX SOSA Aligned Development Chassis
Model 5586 Virtex UltraScale+ HBM FPGA Processor - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 5585 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D with Virtex UltraScale+ HBM FPGA - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 5560 Versal HBM ACAP Processor / Carrier - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 5553 8 Channel A/D & D/A Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Gen 3 Processor - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 5550 8 Channel A/D & D/A Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Processor - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 5503 High-Speed System Sync and Distribution Amplifier - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX
Model 71813 SOSA Aligned LVDS with Optical I/O Kintex UltraScale FPGA - XMC

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