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Home > Pipeline Newsletters > The Pentek Pipeline Vol. 30 No. 1
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Spring 2021 Vol. 30, No. 1
SOSA (Sensor Open Systems Architecture)
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Quartz Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Family Products
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Jade Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family
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Cobalt Virtex-6 Products
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Onyx Virtex-7 Products
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Talon Recording Systems
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Free Technical Resources:

Putting VPX and OpenVPX to Work Handbook
Putting VPX and OpenVPX
to Work Handbook

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High-Speed, Real-Time Recording Systems Handbook
High-Speed, Real-Time
Recording Systems Handbook

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High-Speed Switched Serial Fabrics Improve System Design Handbook
High-Speed Switched Serial
Fabrics Improve System Design

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Software Defined Radio Handbook
Software Defined Radio

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Putting FPGAs to Work for Software Radio Handbook
Putting FPGAs to Work for
Software Radio Handbook

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Critical Techniques for High Speed A/D Converters in Real-Time Systems Handbook
Critical Techniques for High
Speed A/D Converters in
Real-Time Systems Handbook

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Pentek Literature:

Analog and Digital I/O Catalog
Analog & Digital I/O Catalog
Clock and Sync Generators Catalog
Clock & Sync Generators Catalog
Radar and SDR I/O Catalog
Radar & SDR I/O Catalog
Software and FPGA Tools Catalog
Software & FPGA Tools Catalog
High-Speed Recording Systems
High-Speed Recording Systems
Pentek Product Catalog
Pentek Product Catalog
Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family
Jade FPGA Family
Onyx Virtex-7 and Cobalt Virtex-6 FPGA Family
Onyx & Cobalt FPGA Family
Product Overview
Product Overview

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SOSA Setting the Future Course of Embedded Military Electronics Systems

SOSA Setting the Future Course of Embedded Military Electronics Systems  

Our feature article provides an overview of SOSA™ (Sensor Open Systems Architecture), describing its history, objectives, participants, and status.

Answers to pertinent questions relating to SOSA will be answered. Here are a few:

  • What Are the Objectives of SOSA?
  • Who Participates in SOSA?
  • Is SOSA here to stay?

SOSA Setting the Future Course of Embedded Military Electronics Systems
Photo credit: U.S. Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class Mya M. Crosby

Military aircraft avionics are traditionally a collection of subsystems, each dedicated to a particular fixed function. Each of them occupies an enclosure with well-defined dimensions, mounting points, and electrical interfaces for sensors, antennas, power supplies and control ports.

Changing the function within any subsystem is often quite limited, so that an upgrade to improve performance or capabilities usually means replacing the entire subsystem with a new one.

This article explains that upgrading to a SOSA aligned system can mean huge cost and production savings as you can keep existing subsystems in place instead of replacing them completely when an upgrade is needed. You can replace one SOSA-compliant plug-in card with another, as an example, to add new device technology, higher performance levels, faster computing power, and higher signal and data bandwidths.

Pentek Announces SOSA Aligned Development Platform That Speeds Integration Tasks
Model 8256 SOSA Aligned 3U VPX Development Platform

The Model 8256 is ideal for application development with Pentek's Quartz® RFSoC data acquisition and processing boards. Pentek's SOSA aligned products facilitate interoperability, re-use, and rapid technology insertion, all consistent with the SOSA Consortium's approach and vision.

Several Pentek partners and key contributors to the emerging SOSA Technical Standard are involved in the development of this platform. Pentek teamed up with Elma Electronics for backplane and system management components, Interface Concept for backplane switch modules, Concurrent Technologies for single board computer modules, and Crossfield Technology for IPMI and chassis management support; all specifically designed to be in alignment with the SOSA Technical Standard.

  Model 5553 8 Channel A/D & D/A Zynq UltraScale+ RFSoC Gen 3 Processor - SOSA Aligned 3U VPX

Bob Sgandurra, Pentek's director of product management  

"The efforts put into this platform demonstrate our commitment and the value of the alignment and interoperability goals driving the SOSA Consortium mission," said Bob Sgandurra, Pentek's director of product management.

"Pentek has worked tirelessly with key suppliers in the open architecture community to put this platform together. With the Model 8256, customers can now immediately start integrating and building their application."

Model 8256 SOSA Aligned Development Platform Video
Model 8256 SOSA Aligned Development Platform Video

Focus on SOSA eBook  

Focus on SOSA eBook

Learn more about SOSA™ by downloading this eBook today! This SOSA eBook holds a compilation of technical articles regarding the Sensor Open Standards Architecture (SOSA).

SOSA is chartered with creating a common framework for transitioning sensor systems to an open-systems architecture, based on key interfaces and best practices established by industry-government consensus. The benefits of this architecture include improved interoperability, as well as reduced development time, deployment and costs.

Understanding Conformance to the SOSA Technical Standard Webinar

The SOSA Technical Standard, applies a modular open systems approach (MOSA) to high-performance defense sensor systems such as radar, electronic warfare, and SIGINT platforms.

During this webinar, experts involved in the SOSA Consortium and the standard's development will discuss the elements of conformance to the Technical Standard, how the upcoming 1.0 release will address it, and considerations for the certification process.
  Focus on SOSA eBook

Leveraging Software and IP for Faster RFSoC Application Development

This webinar explores the software and IP environment for developing RFSoC (Radio Frequency System-on-Chip) applications. Learn effective strategies for leveraging existing IP and software to streamline development tasks.

Pipeline Product Focus

High-Speed Synchronizer and Distribution Board for Quartz RFSoC Products


  • Accepts RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz
  • Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to + 10 dBm
  • Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz
  • Two 400 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously
  • Two FPGA-based multiband DDCs (digital downconverters)
  • Xilinx® Kintex® UltraScale™ FPGA
  • Five GB of DDR4 SDRAM
  • Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference
Model 71891
Model 71891

Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products Family

For the latest pricing and availability information, please contact technical sales at +1 (201) 818-5900 or email: SDL-sales@mrcy.com
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